Women you should know: Jameela Jamil
It was in March 2018 when the British presenter and actress Jameela Jamil, known for her role in the US show The Good Place, posted this picture on Instagram in which she outlined the things that she valued about herself and her life. This picture was her reaction to the following image of the Kardashians with their respective weights annotated, which was asking in the caption: How much you weigh?

In the following weeks she received thousands of pictures from women doing the same thing. In these posts, her followers celebrated their professional and personal achievements, their families, friends, hobbies, abilities, etc. And this is how Jameela, in an unintended manner, started this revolutionary movement against body shaming called “I weigh”.

Today, after a bit more than a year, “I weigh” not only has more than 687.000 followers on Instagram but has become “a museum of self-love” as Jameela herself calls it. The platform has grown exponentially and many celebrities have supported her campaign. Moreover, her account has been one of the 16 Instagram profiles followed by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during this month of May. The Royal house has recognised in this platform “the promotion of mental wellbeing, mental fitness, body positivity, self-care, and the importance of human connection - to not just hear each other but to listen”.
Still today, “I Weigh” keeps posting pictures from women telling the world how much they weigh in terms of life achievements and love, and we feel so inspired by all of them. We encourage you join this beautiful movement and participate!

For more information you can visit the "I weigh" website .
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